I am always unlucky in life Always stuck on the bad side Always feeling all the pain And always in some discomfort I am the victim of heartbreak I am the victim of loneliness I am the victim of harassment I do not enjoy being the victim No one does (Brett W., 2016) Introduction: The…Read More
The Practice of Allowing: More Help for These Times
Moving closer and closer to the November election, we are observing a potential crisis situation in which the president refuses to commit to a peaceful transfer of power should he lose the election. Paradoxically, the president is a teacher in showing us how not to be. In line with these current events, ‘allowing’ is the…Read More
The Practice of Gratitude and Presence: More Help for These Times
In this fourth pre-election message I recommend two powerful practices to help you manage feelings of stress, worry and anxiety: Stay present and grounded in this ‘now’ moment. Practice on-going moment to moment gratitude repeating a mantra of ‘thank you’ recalling all that you are grateful for. To emphasize the power of these two…Read More
Help For These Times
As we move closer to the November election we mourn the death and loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the resulting vulnerability to a more balanced Supreme Court. Along with her loss and deep gratitude for her service, we are experiencing multiple national crises; health, economic, employment, climate, racial, foreign interference, and destructive leadership bringing…Read More
Breakdown to Breakthrough: A Time For Radical Change And A New Beginning
As a clinical social worker and psychotherapist in private practice, I am sending you this message to share my clinical perspective and thoughts on the current events, the multiple crisis and most importantly to encourage and give recommendations for self-care. Needless to say, this is a critical and anxiety-producing time in our nation as we…Read More
Keynote Speaker at 2013 Maui Annual Marriage and Family Therapy Conference
At the invitation of the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy–Hawaii: I had the pleasure of being the keynote speaker and presenter at the 2013 Maui Annual MFT Conference. My address, “Developing the Art of Psychotherapy” focused on the personal work of the therapist to explore and transform the counter-transference material between themselves and…Read More
Co dependence
We very often assume that co dependency (enmeshment/care-taking) only applies to adult children of alcoholics. It can happen in any family and does. In fact, co dependency is perhaps the most common form of individual and family dysfunction. It is pervasive and yet is very often unrecognized. Examples of co dependency/ enmeshment include: controlling or…Read More
Behavioral and Substance Addictions
My dedicated work in addiction treatment includes ten plus years as clinician, clinical supervisor and director of adult residential and outpatient drug and alcohol treatment programs. With a background in humanistic person-centered psychology I have a fundamental belief that our core nature is directed toward the highest good. If treated non-judgmentally with empathy…Read More
Positive Psychology group to begin May-June 2013
An on-going positive psychology group will begin May-June 2013. The group will meet on Monday from 6:30 to 8:30 for four consecutive weeks and then twice a month thereafter. The group will be held at my Hillcrest office and limited to eight members. The small group will allow for sharing and support, for video and facilitator presentations…Read More
Regaining Peace
Recently I woke up at 3:00am startled from a disturbing dream that left me feeling distressed and anxious. I recall the statement: “If it doesn’t feel good it isn’t you.” That was how I felt—that I had lost myself and felt trapped by fear. To recover, I move to a nearby chair, take deep…Read More